Thursday, August 22, 2013

High School experience in Latin America VS United States

La clase de...
Ingles 8:25 Es a las ocho y vienticinco
Matematicas 9:21 Es a las nueve y vientiuno
Arte 10:19 Es a las Diez y dieciseis
Almuerzo 11:08 Es a las Once y ocho
Empresa 11:16 Es a  las Once y dieciseis
Ciencias 12:57 Es a las doce menos tres
Ciencias S. 1:54 Es a la una menos seis

High School in latin America has it's similarities and differences to Noth American High schools. Like some of the differences are that Latin Americans normally take ten to twelve classes a year. Although They do not have those classes every day. They may meet two to three times a week.
Students in Latin American schools do not have lockers. In stead they carry all their books in their bookbags. Another difference is that they grade in numbers 1-10.
 American High Schools have their differences. American High School students take 7 or less classes a year. They do not grade in numbers 1-10. Unlike in latin America where bookbags are a must, American High Schools frown upon bringing your book bags to class. So we use lockers to store our bookbags.

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